Alan Wong
大约8年前,我失去做阻力运动与有氧运动的兴趣, 而開始研究趙堡太極拳。我發現,彭老師所教導的趙堡太極拳不僅是體育鍛煉。其實,趙堡太極拳包括以下內容:
表演艺术 - 很多初學者把太極拳作為一種表演藝術,他們被優美的動作所吸引。事實上,許多練者只練太極拳的這一方面。
体育锻练 - 從解剖學/生理學的觀點,太極練習訓練核心肌群(骨盆,臀部,腰部和腹部的肌肉)和腿部肌肉的協調。這類型的訓練對改善平衡減少跌倒很有幫助。
冥想 - 氣功是趙堡太極拳高度重視的練習。從西醫的角度,氣功是一種古老的冥想。許多醫生皆建議他們的病人練習冥想。
推手 - 學習推手後我意識到這是趙堡太極拳很高深的部份。它幫助我們改善生理和心理平衡,又訓練頭腦和身體平靜和迅速地應對不同的情況。
自卫术 - 我越练赵堡太极拳,我越意识到太极拳用于自卫术的智慧。 由於各種各樣的好處,我對趙堡太極拳深感興趣。我覺得所有年齡,不論男女,皆可受惠於趙堡太極拳。
I started doing research on Zhaobao tai chi after I lost interest in doing resistance & aerobic exercises about 8 years ago. Subsequently, I discovered that Zhaobao tai chi as taught by Master Peng can provide much more than just physical exercise. In fact, I learnt that Zhaobao tai chi includes the following:
Performing art - Many beginners in tai chi view tai chi as a performing art, they are attracted to the graceful movements. In fact, many practitioners are quite satisfied with solely practicing this aspect of tai chi.
Physical exercise - From anatomical/physiologic perspectives. Tai chi exercises train the core muscles (e.g. muscles in the pelvis, hips, lower back, and abdomen ) and the leg muscles to work in harmony. This type of training tends to improve the practitioner sense of balance and reduces falls.
Tai chi forms are generally thought to involve slow movements, and many individuals are concerned that tai chi trainings do not provide sufficient cardiovascular training. The truth is that some Zhaobao tai chi forms include rapid movements which can provide intense cardiovascular conditioning for practitioners who elect to include those forms in their practice. In fact, some of these movements include punching, kicking, etc, which externally quite resemble wushu kungfu.
Meditation - Qigong is highly emphasized in the practice of Zhaobao tai chi. From a western medicine form of view, qigong is an ancient form of meditation, which many medical doctors advise their patients to practice.
Push-Hand - After learning push-hand, I realized that it is an aspect of Zhaobao tai chi which is much more profound that I originally thought. It helps us improve our balance both physically and mentally, and trains our mind and body to react calming and swiftly to different situation.
Arts of self defense - The more I practice Zhaobao tai chi, the more I realize the intelligence of tai chi when applied to self-defense.
Due to the great variety of benefits that Zhaobao tai chi provide, I remain deeply interested in it. I feel that Zhaobao tai chi has something to offer to people of all ages ranging from children to the elderly, male and female.
大约8年前,我失去做阻力运动与有氧运动的兴趣, 而開始研究趙堡太極拳。我發現,彭老師所教導的趙堡太極拳不僅是體育鍛煉。其實,趙堡太極拳包括以下內容:
表演艺术 - 很多初學者把太極拳作為一種表演藝術,他們被優美的動作所吸引。事實上,許多練者只練太極拳的這一方面。
体育锻练 - 從解剖學/生理學的觀點,太極練習訓練核心肌群(骨盆,臀部,腰部和腹部的肌肉)和腿部肌肉的協調。這類型的訓練對改善平衡減少跌倒很有幫助。
冥想 - 氣功是趙堡太極拳高度重視的練習。從西醫的角度,氣功是一種古老的冥想。許多醫生皆建議他們的病人練習冥想。
推手 - 學習推手後我意識到這是趙堡太極拳很高深的部份。它幫助我們改善生理和心理平衡,又訓練頭腦和身體平靜和迅速地應對不同的情況。
自卫术 - 我越练赵堡太极拳,我越意识到太极拳用于自卫术的智慧。 由於各種各樣的好處,我對趙堡太極拳深感興趣。我覺得所有年齡,不論男女,皆可受惠於趙堡太極拳。
I started doing research on Zhaobao tai chi after I lost interest in doing resistance & aerobic exercises about 8 years ago. Subsequently, I discovered that Zhaobao tai chi as taught by Master Peng can provide much more than just physical exercise. In fact, I learnt that Zhaobao tai chi includes the following:
- Performing art
- Physical exercise
- Meditation
- Push hand training
- Arts of self defense.
Performing art - Many beginners in tai chi view tai chi as a performing art, they are attracted to the graceful movements. In fact, many practitioners are quite satisfied with solely practicing this aspect of tai chi.
Physical exercise - From anatomical/physiologic perspectives. Tai chi exercises train the core muscles (e.g. muscles in the pelvis, hips, lower back, and abdomen ) and the leg muscles to work in harmony. This type of training tends to improve the practitioner sense of balance and reduces falls.
Tai chi forms are generally thought to involve slow movements, and many individuals are concerned that tai chi trainings do not provide sufficient cardiovascular training. The truth is that some Zhaobao tai chi forms include rapid movements which can provide intense cardiovascular conditioning for practitioners who elect to include those forms in their practice. In fact, some of these movements include punching, kicking, etc, which externally quite resemble wushu kungfu.
Meditation - Qigong is highly emphasized in the practice of Zhaobao tai chi. From a western medicine form of view, qigong is an ancient form of meditation, which many medical doctors advise their patients to practice.
Push-Hand - After learning push-hand, I realized that it is an aspect of Zhaobao tai chi which is much more profound that I originally thought. It helps us improve our balance both physically and mentally, and trains our mind and body to react calming and swiftly to different situation.
Arts of self defense - The more I practice Zhaobao tai chi, the more I realize the intelligence of tai chi when applied to self-defense.
Due to the great variety of benefits that Zhaobao tai chi provide, I remain deeply interested in it. I feel that Zhaobao tai chi has something to offer to people of all ages ranging from children to the elderly, male and female.