TAI CHI KUNG FU Studio Lessons
- Zhaobao Tai Chi 9 style - Zhaobao Tai Chi health qigong - Zhaobao Tai Chi 12 style - Zhaobao Tai Chi introduction pusher - Zhaobao Tai Chi 24 style - Zhaobao tai chi primary pusher - Zhaobao Tai Chi 36 style - Zhaobao tai chi contest pusher - Zhaobao Tai Chi 43 style - Zhaobao Tai Chi primary grasp - Zhaobao Tai Chi stick - Zhaobao Tai Chi 56 style - Zhaobao Tai Chi application pusher - Zhaobao Tai Chi sword - Zhaobao Tai Chi intermediate grasp - Zhaobao Tai Chi 75 style - Zhaobao Tai Chi advanced grasp |
太极功夫馆位于Milpitas现开设成人和儿童两类课程,成人课主要教授传统赵堡太极功夫系列课程: 赵堡太极拳教学内容大纲: - 热身运动 - 气功导引 - 站桩固气 - 养生吐纳 - 太极套路 - 推手擒拿 - 散打技击 - 分筋错骨 - 道家哲学 赵堡太极拳授课内容: - 赵堡太极九式 - 赵堡太极养生气功 - 赵堡太极十二式 - 赵堡太极入门推手 - 赵堡太极二十四式 - 赵堡太极初级推手 - 赵堡太极三十六式 - 赵堡太极比赛推手 - 赵堡太极四十三式 - 赵堡太极初级擒拿 - 赵堡太极棍 - 赵堡太极五十六式 - 赵堡太极应用推手 - 赵堡太极剑 - 赵堡太极中级擒拿 - 赵堡太极七十五式 - 赵堡太极高级擒拿 * 儿童课教授中华武术和少林功夫课程 |
Zhao Bao Tai Chi 赵堡太极拳
2020 Edition 中英双语精装本 Available on Amazon |
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Follow Zhaobao Taichi on our Facebook Page and YouTube Channel Milpitas Headquarter 1472 N. Milpitas Blvd. Milpitas, CA 95035 (408) 886-0299 (408) 719-9688 [email protected] LA Branch 275 South C Street. Tustin, CA 92780 1 (949) 279-3245 1 (949) 981-9074 [email protected] |
Kevin, CEO of IGG
十二年前跟朋友成立IGG,创业之初非常艰难,每天都工作到凌晨三四点,外加Start up来自各方面的精神压力,开始那两年,天天腰酸背痛,每周都要去找人推拿按摩一两次。机缘巧合,遇到了彭文师父,开始习练赵堡太极拳,两个月下来,居然腰不酸,背也不痛了!睡眠质量大幅改善,人变得精神矍铄。感觉不错就坚持了下来,一转眼,十年了! Jian, Apple Engineer
My original goal was to heal my body, Tai Chi, however, brought me into a grand new world. |
Tim from the Air Force
The day I came to a trial class, I knew I had finally found an extremely qualified internal martial arts master. My long search was finally over! The Chinese have a saying: 可遇不可求. Literally this means “one can only desire something, one cannot demand it.” Basically, many things in life, like finding a good teacher, are left to the hands of fate. Jibing, CEO of biotech company
This is the best decision that I have ever made for myself. |